Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Do the Math!

My next two classes with the UoPhoenix are Essentials of College Math, algebra and statistics and such. There must be some mathematical theory I haven't studied yet that will explain the reasoning behind an insulting one time $300 tax rebate as an economic stimulus to prevent recession while spending 12 billion a day for the next year on 'defending' Iraq! Let's try reversing the roles and spend 12 billion a day on solving America's economic woes and give each Iraqi citizen a one time payment of $300-that ought to be enough to buy a gun and enough bullets for the Shi'ites and Sunnites to kill each other off-end of problem! Maybe economic math theories are different from the real numerical values I will be studying, or should "I" be the one buying a gun?


Blogger windrago said...

u have touched a great point my friend, a superb example. Just remember this when you vote this year!!

9:24 AM  

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