I promised you the moon!

Here is the final version of: "Lunar Sea!" It is a silver foil hotstamped onto black paper and I must say that it looks much better then this scanned image. I sell these at local shops and I have some at the Burke Museum gift shop on the University of Washington campus, where I have always sold my works. It is a strange facination I have with the Indian eyes, they always seem to follow me where ever I am in a room. This is sort of a Picasso style facial image. I imagine that I see a profile figure that becomes a frontal view. Is that a killer whale frolicing in the sea of tranquility on the moon's nose and cheek? The moon is my madness and I will send you my sunshine next time! I am working on a new piece that I started many years ago and then promptly forgot about, *sigh* I am lazy now-a-days when it comes to my own art. I used to be able to design and paint dozens a year, now I can't even finish one from many years ago. What happened to my inspiration? I'll tell you it comes from working too hard. I need another break and go visit my sweetheart in Odessa, Ukraine! Although I am out of work right now, I will tell you that it takes twice as much effort to find a job then to do a job! To all who read this I wish you to be inspired by the moon's madness!
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