Sunday, February 05, 2006

The world is full of music!

I first got turned onto world beat music when I first saw Ofra Haza on the front cover of her first album. Then I visited a Scandinavian gift shop and heard them play Sissel Kyrkjebo's music and it was like being in love for the first time! When I first heard Patricia Kaas sing, my heart melted and my spirit soared! Now I go out of my way to find and explore ethno-pop! Alas, Ofra died some years ago, purportedly of AIDS, Sissel got married and became domesticated and Anglecized, and Patricia is now a movie star! What ever happend to staying close to a person's home roots, the traditions that made them great in the first place. If you ever find an album by Demos Roussos from his early years, by all means buy it! I still search the used record stores for international music, and I recently came across Yousefa, an Isreali from Morocco! Her song: green eyed lady, it sticks in my mind. I wish I knew how to find songs from Hawa Beruit and Fay Rouz. I saw their album once when I helped a foreigner move into his new house, I saw his album collection and saw Fay Rouz on the front cover, but I could never find the album in stores. Music is the international language of love!


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