Saturday, February 11, 2006

The world turns its eyes on Turin!

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Sat, 11 Feb 2006 02:39:18 -0800 (PST)

All eye's are on Italy!

Elena my dear, when I read about the terrible cold in Odessa and the fact that it would snow most of this weekend, I did not want you to risk going out in such bad weather. I keep track of the weather in your city almost as much as I inquire about tomorrow's weather in my city. I even get satellite photo's of your current conditions. Bundle up underneath some warm blankets and hold onto a pillow and pretend that it is me. Hopefully one day it will be me that keeps you warm on a cold and stormy winters night.

All eye's of everyone in the world are now on Turin, Italy. The Winter Olympics have opened and so very many nations have sent their best to compete with athletics instead of guns and soldiers. I watched the opening ceremonies tonight. This is more like a tradition for me, to watch the Olympics! It is taught that often times in the past history of troubles amongst the Nations of my Native peoples, it was resolved not on the field of battle, but amongst the two of the greatest in each tribe. Or it would turn out that the two greatests were of opposite sex and a long lasting peace would be achieved by the two of them falling in love! Sometimes the romance was disputed, but always the two lovers and their devotion to peace and a better way of life led to peace throughout the Tribes. It often happened in our stories that the maiden would die, or that the warrior would sacrifice himself instead of bringing about further hate and disagreement. This type of loss is a slap in the face to the very people who wanted war, for them to see that one of their own loved the supposed enemy enough to sacrifice their life so that the two tribes could live in peace. It is my hope that the Olympic games will bring the world together in peace, even if just for a moment! All eye's are on Turin!

I miss you much!
Love and affection and sooooo much more,


Blogger windrago said...

Oh yeah!!!!! Baby!!!! Goooo Turin!!!

5:57 PM  

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