Road kill

I remember the many times when I was young and we drove to Disnyland. It always seemed that sooner or later we would pass by the smell of a skunk that had gotten run over. I drew this picture and after I had finished it, the flat appearance of my skunk image reminded me of that. So I think I will subtitle this design: Roadkill! Eris, this design is dedicated to you.
To Info gal; Life and even the end of life inspires my artwork as is evidenced by my supernova dying star sun design. Chief Seattle said it best for me: Death, there is no death, only a change in worlds.
I like this one a lot. It's like many lifes in one flat corpse. Thanks for your comment on my blog!
ela zawrat - journal . I've posted a comment there in response. take care!
OMG, I had a computer-crash at the start of March (right around the time you had posted about this on my Blog), so I never got to see this!
About a month ago, I got my new computer, and recently my internet up and running. Lately, I've been catching up with things (Animal Crossing included). So I decided to take a look at your Archives to see if I could find RoadKill, and...
WOW! Beautiful! And it's dedicated to me?! Thank you very much! :) :) I am now inspired to find some more new fun ways to take pictures of Animal Crossing and keep posting on my Blog! :)
Thanks again, and may you (and your exceptional talent) continue to flourish! :)
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