Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What Problem?

I can't wait for the Professor forever, so what the hey, might as well keep my education educated and updated. Here I go again, this time starting with more emphasis on my previous Jungian psychology education added to this paper.

Mind/Body Problem

Mind/Body Problem? No Problem.
Maurice S. Keating, Jr.
University of Phoenix
A discourse on the Cartesian mind body problem, comparing recent Western physiopsychology with Eastern Kundalini Yoga perspectives.

Mind/Body Problem? No Problem.
I, [insert name here], being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath all my…. Such are the words of a Last Will and Testament made by many American’s in today’s society, indicating the Cartesian duality of mind (mental faculties), and physical body. That both mind and body must be without impairment for the document to be valid, indicates acknowledgement of interactionist thought, that either one can affect the other’s state of being (Goodwin, 2005, p. 29). Certainly the body houses the mind, as thought procesess develop along with the body and generally they cease together, except in such cases of comatose, but what is consciousness and where in the body exists conscious awareness, since awareness comes in from all the body’s senses? If Cartesian dichotomy is more then just theory, does consciousness exist beyond the body’s awarenss, in opposite case senarios of coma’s? The purpose of this paper to briefly examine what is consciousness, where does mind exist in relation to the body and to explore the idea of thte psyche’s transendance above and beyond the body’s physicality and influence.
Everyone knows what thinking is, what it does, and that thinking is a function of the mind, because after all everyone is born with a brain! Everyone knows that is, except the philosophers and psychologists who consider the very origins of thought, of how thinking occurs. Atomists, relativists, rationalists, existentionalists, religionists and all others have a seemingly valid point of view that carries certain weight when one is given specific examples of reference, but all of these perspectives seem incomplete and at odds with one another, dissociated to ordianry lay people not well versed in such studies. Perhaps this occurs due to the very dichotomy of Western thought expressed by the mind versus body duality of Descarte’s Cartesian model previously mentioned. With that in mind, let us direct our attention Eastward to Indian Buddism and Hinduism, where mind and body are thought of as a whole, not in opposition to each other, but part of a totality complimenting each individual.
Kundalini yoga gives mind, consciousness, or awareness, seven specific locations withing the human body called; chakra’s, that correspond physiologically to the brain and six major ganglia along the spinal column of the central nervous system. “The chakras are great force centers or nerve ganglia in the physical body, the astral body and the body of the soul” (Hinduism Today, 1994). The seven chakra’s of the ganglia and brain are connected by nerves to various organs throughout the body, and awareness, or psychic energy, is focused sequentially from the lower chakra at birth and is elevated through physical and mental development during the course of one’s life. This development of the individual personality directed towards wholeness is discussed in Carl G. Jung’s book; The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga (1996). This work of Jung’s lead to his subsequent theory of The Process of Individuation, as expostulated in; The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, vol. 9 part 1 of The Collected Works of C. G. Jung (1959). The devotion of a Yogi’s life to meditation and contemplation leading to completeness of awareness and the individuation of a Western person through dream analysis of unconscious contents leading to wholeness, are two paths to the same goal. Differences in the two paths are the Yogi’s conscious awareness of the process and attendant physical training such as unites mind and body to a degree that enables a fakir to lay on a bed of nails, hold one’s breath underwater for extended periods, and other such astounding feats of bodily contortion that are well known.
The goal of meditation and individuation is not merely increased self awareness, but unity and a oneness within and without; reaching as Jung states: “the ajna center, the state of complete consciousness, not only self consciousness. That would be an exceedingly extended consciousness which includes everything – energy itself – a consciousness which knows not only ‘That is Thou’ but more then that – that every tree, every stone, every breath of air, every rat’s tail – all that is yourself; there is nothing that is not yourself” (Jung, 1996, p. 59). A state of synchronicity, as Jung later developed this idea of ajna into, is achieved, whereby the student becomes one with the University and the Universe!
CHAKRAS. (1994, April). Hinduism Today, 16(4), 14. Retrieved February 18, 2008, from Alt-Press Watch (APW) database. (Document ID: 611055281).

Goodwin, C. G. (2005). A History of Modern Psychology. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Jung, C. G. (1959). The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. (The Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Vol. 9, part 1). New York: Bollingen Foundation, Inc.

Jung, C. G. (1996). The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Motivated to succeed paper.

What the heck, I'm in a posting mood and since the prof can procrastinate but I can't, here I go to post an ungraded paper, but I'm sure I got an A on it.

Motivated to Succeed

Motivated To Succeed: The drive to work.
Maurice S. Keating, Jr.
University of Phoenix
Motivated to Succeed: The drive to work.
The primary motivator of work is aptly stated by the Apostle Paul in such simple words as: “If any one will not work, let him not eat.” 2Th 3:10b, RSV (2008). As outlined by Kowalski and Weston, the basic physiological and safety needs described by Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs; food, shelter, clothing and such, are the necessities of life and the foundation of all desire to earn a living with a job (Kowalski and Weston, 2005, p.326). But what type of gainful employment might one pick in today’s modern society with it’s multitude of opportunities that have little or no bearing on actual production of food? The necessity of work aside, the motivation to do more then just any old job carries with it the desire to perform tasks that offer fulfillment and personal enrichment that one finds rewarding in other ways then just monetary gain. Also to be considered is the availability of employment and the ability of the individual to perform the job at hand among many other factors. Given that let us examine such recent phenomena as the many opportunities made available by the Internet to work at home that eliminate the actual commute to work, while offering those person’s with the drive to succeed, the means by which they can find fulfillment. The application reads: Type of employment preferred; and among the list is one particularly relevant to those with a desire to succeed not just for profit, but personal enrichment and further advancement and career development. Check mark the box labeled; student!

While being a student, specifically an online student might not seem like a job to many, there student is as an employment selection on the U.S. Census questionnaire, all financial credit applications, and even on many surveys and contest entry forms. Unlike the overwhelming majority of internet opportunities one might find online or delivered to one’s email inbox that advertise working at home-no experience necessary, training provided-online colleges require a high school diploma or G.E.D., and in some cases, previous college attendance. Of course, a computer with internet access and some prior knowledge of its use and certain other programs is also required. While paying for an online education may also require additional outside employment, financial aid in the form of grants, scholarships and loans provide the pay in this career. Even one’s outside employment may offer tuition reimbursement as an incentive bonus, sometimes for work related studies, but always dependent on maintaining satisfactory grades.

The motivation to succeed; in starting a career, advancing one’s present career or changing career’s entirely, is the driving force in selecting this initiatory job education path. Six key issues should be considered before choosing an Online University, as suggested in the article; Six Steps To Success: How To Choose The Best Online University. 1. Flexibility of either an individual’s time schedule or the programs. 2. Costs, both stated tuition and hidden costs of texts and lab fees. 3. Results of a program leading to both graduation and employment. 4. Credit Transfers from previous colleges. 5. Quality of curriculum and instruction. 6. Faculty Credentials and Accreditation of the University (1996-2008). A potential student has to have an idea of an area of study of interest, goals established, and be self disciplined and self motivated, to accomplish the task of completing a major course of study and earn a degree. Constance Spampinato outlines seven principles of good practice in undergraduate education as delineated by Chickering and Gamson as follows: 1. Encourages Student-Faculty Contact. 2. Encourages Cooperation Among Students. 3. Encourages Active Learning. 4. Gives Prompt Feedback. 5. Emphasizes Time on Task. 6. Communicates High Expectations. 7. Respects Diverse Talents and Ways of Learning (Constance Spampinato, 2005, pp. 18-21). Online education therefore, is a two way street and is available to those willing to rise to the occasion.

That the home environment is the work (study), environment, thought must be given to time and space being allotted for duties without distractions. Can’t call in sick, the computer is right there in the home. There is no excuse available for being late as there isn’t any commute to a campus. Yet the very fact that the computer is the campus and the campus is in the home can be a cause that would plague anyone with the tendency to procrastinate. A ringing telephone, baby crying, mail arriving, knock at the door, even just the thought that the computer is always there and available to be turned on any old time, can lead to delays and distractions. Overcome the difficulties and obstacles and find that opportunity is knocking at the door.

Cool Savings. (1996-2008). Six Steps To Success: How To Choose The Best Online University. Retrieved February 3, 2008, from http://www.coolsavings.com/ChooseTheBestOnlineUniversity.aspx?SessionID=59e8517a-1a88-47a6-a74f-a3b24307aa9f-2
Holy Bible. (2008). 2nd Thessalonians 3:10b. Retrieved February 3, 2008, from http://www.biblelookup.com/cgi-bin/pbible.pl?maxhits=10&mode=context&subp=Get+passage&passagestring=2Th+3%3A10&subp1=Get+passage&version=rsv
Kowalski, R., and Westen, D. (2005). Psychology. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Spampinato, Constance M. (2005) Students' perceptions concerning the effect of personal attributes and course attributes in classroom, online, and telecourse success. Ed.D. dissertation, Wilmington College (Delaware), United States -- Delaware. Retrieved February 4, 2008, from ProQuest Digital Dissertations database. (Publication No. AAT 3164148).

Powerpoint presentation for class not included

Well I got sort of sidetracked and distracted with med's making my final week of last class almost impossible for me to finish. I managed to hang in there just long enough to do my part with this Team paper that we got 100% on and a powerpoint slide presentation that I can't figure out how to post on here, so I'm out of luck in showing it off. This A+ paper saved my grade, giving me an A- in the class instead of a B+ so once again it is teamwork that makes the grade. I did a lot for a guy that was druggied out most of the week of class. The intro and conclusion I did the rough drafts for, with Karen helping with their editing needs. the fourth paragraph belongs to Dan and I collaborating on writing. Too bad no PPpresentation to show, Michelle and Jeff did most of it and it is fantastic! Already into my third week of my third class and I've done two papers that our Prof hasn't graded yet, seems he's busy in Court, maybe some sort of professional capacity as a psychologist. I can post when I get the papers back.

A Day in the Life of an Average Joe
Karen Blye
Michelle Eklund-Rentfrow
M. Sonny Keating Jr.
Dan Pimm
Jeff Pippin
University of Phoenix

A Day in the Life of an Average Joe


Consider that much goes on unnoticed in one’s thoughts during the course of a busy day. A daily routine lends itself to established habits that no one gives a second thought to before, during, or after the course of an ordinary day. Many subtle changes can occur in one’s daily routine and social situations through a period of 24 hours that seemingly little thought or notice is given to the different masks worn that show one’s best or worst face in any given situation, until built up frustrations lead to stress and impaired thinking. Day in and day out, from hour to hour, an average person displays many facets of ones individual personality that inwardly seem the same to themselves, but to an outsider, one can be a completely different person in one situation compared to another. Let us view the examples of a fictitious character named Joe, a middle class male American, to examine the differences in personality in different social situations throughout his day.
At 5:50 AM Joe’s alarm rings, waking Joe up from a deep sleep. Instead of rising and shining to tackle his day with enthusiasm, Joe despairingly hits the snooze button, regretting having to face another dreary day full of repetitive responsibilities that he has learned to resent. Joe has lost his self esteem and is unable to give himself the self discipline and consistency he needs to begin his days with a positive frame of mind. When Joe competes with his wife for use of the bathroom every morning, he becomes agitated and blames her for his running late, the ensuing arguments bringing marital discord that marks the start of their day. Unchecked, this attitude breeds contempt and resentment, their behavior towards one another unknowingly becoming the norm. As stated by Kowalski and Western (2005) “not everyone is able to hold on to idealized perceptions of their partner or to put a positive spin on repetitive, annoying behaviors” (Chapter 8, p. 49). When Joe helps his daughters get ready for school, his attitude changes to playful persuasion to inspire them to cooperate instead of arguing. Joe masks lingering frustration and resentment from his children about his morning arguments with mommy to spare their feelings. Stepping outside to leave for work, Joe runs into his overly sociable neighbor who likes to talk. Joe exchanges pleasantries for the sake of being neighborly, masking impatience by looking at his watch, conforming to social expectations for the sake of keeping up appearances.
By mid-morning Joe is engrossed in work, focused so intently on his computer screen that he is oblivious to coworker’s calling him to come join in for a coffee break. The frustrations of his hurried morning and subsequent commute distract him from doing quality work. Joe feeling the overwhelming stress of the morning needs a minute to refresh and relax and agrees to go with his coworkers for coffee. The lively energy Joe shares with his coworkers while engaging in sarcastic ‘shop’ talk revives him. After the much needed Coffee break is over Joe’s boss unexpectedly announces an early deadline for his proposal to be completed by 2:00 for an afternoon meeting, turning Joe’s enthusiasm to irritation with the new, seemingly unrealistic deadline, leaving him thinking; “great, another stress I did not need today.” Joe is experiencing; “Job stress which is defined as the harmful physical and emotional responses that occurs when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources, or needs of the worker” (Koesten, 2005, 2). Working in a furious frenzy Joe manages to finish the proposal on time with the help of his team. Appreciating his coworkers and the support they offer Joe experiences social facilitation finding the presence of his team a positive stimulus and performing better (Changingminds.org, 2007). Relaxed and relieved, Joe begins to anticipate having a drink after work, causing Joe to feel even more impatient for the day to end.
Precisely at 5:00, Joe logs off of his computer, turns out his office light and heads out to greet the evening. Reaching the door, Joe’s boss asks him to replace an absent colleague in a business meeting to close a deal with one of the company’s valued clients. His mind set on a different sort of meeting with coworkers for happy hour drinks, Joe reluctantly agrees, thinking he may be able to combine business with pleasure to include dinner and drinks. In state of denial about his drinking he doesn’t think he has a drinking problem in order to give it any thought at all. As stated by Mark Griffiths (2007) in Round table discussions: “Whatever you are addicted to, if you have it at hand, you do not necessarily think about it all the time” (¶ 9). Joe goes over the proposal and gets his client on the cell phone to ask a few questions. Joe is surprised to discover that his client is a woman when she answers the phone. Immediately Joe shifts from his original plan of a local sports bar, to a fine dinning restaurant nearby and suggests comparing notes and going over the proposal over dinner. Not a mean spirited sexist, Joe just considers a dining setting would be more appropriate for his client. Chivalry and sexism as related attitudes is discussed by Viki, Abrams, and Hutchison (2003) stating “…hostile sexism may coexist with subjectively positive sexist attitudes toward women, that is, benevolent sexism” (¶ 1). During dinner, Joe realizes that his client has more business savvy then anticipated and drinks have slightly impaired his negotiating skills. In his rush to leave work and swept up by the occasion, Joe remembers that he had not called his wife about coming home late. Driving home after his business meeting, Joe feels a little guilty about his neglectful behavior towards his wife and her feelings. So he stops to buy her some flowers and a nice bottle of wine, adopting an altruistic behavior that blends selfish and unselfish motives at the same time.
Conclusion: Diagnosis of daily life.
Not all that bad of a day for our Joe, just sort of an average one for the average person. The idea being that because habits, once formed, become unconscious, leading to unthinkable behaviors and changes in attitudes, things that people do everyday. Mental compartmentalization of day to day activities and differing responsibilities lead to disassociate personality structures. What Joe says to his wife about his boss and work is not what he tells his coworkers, and certainly not what he tells his boss! Such broad personality changes border on borderline personality and or multiple personality disorder. Not that morning arguments with the wife make anyone borderline, anymore then being two-faced with attitudes about one’s job and bosses make for multiple personality, the behaviors are miniature representations of the psychoses’. Does Joe's behavior reflect increasing abnormal processes, or is it as Joe thinks of himself, that he is just an everyman caught up in the stress of daily life in the modern world? Wife, work and the world will not change for Joe, so it becomes necessary for someone like Joe to consider changing one’s thoughts and attitudes that are evidenced in personal behaviors. Therapy helps in having an outside observer draw attention to behaviors and the attendant thought processes that cause them, before habits become rigid structures that cannot easily be broken. Cognitive-behavioral counseling might be the most effective for someone in Joe’s situation where his concerns of attitude towards his marital partner, career, and alcohol use can all be addressed by a non-judgmental professional.


Changingminds.org. (2007). Social Facilitation. Retrieved February 10, 2008,
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Koesten, Joy. (2005). Reducing Stress and Burnout for Financial Planners. Journal of
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Viki, G. T., Abrams, D., and Hutchison, P. (Nov 2003). The 'true' romantic: benevolent sexism and paternalistic chivalry. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 49, 9-10. p.533(5). Retrieved February 11, 2008, from General OneFile via Gale:http://find.galegroup.com/ips/start.do?prodId=IPS