Thursday, March 16, 2006

For the love of my life!

Here is another photo of the love of my life and one more photo of her fabulous minature art paintings. With the ruler placed below the painting you can get an idea about just how small it is in reality. And she is so pretty to me that I am definately going to propose when I next visit her. She lives in Odessa, Ukraine, so it's not going to be easy, but her love is worth every effort! I quit my temporary job at Costco today so that I could accept a job offer with FedEx/Kinkos, a more permanent and stable position as a production manager. It's what I do! I have been in printing all my life and I love to work with images. Elena and I share this love of image making and this common bond between us is what brought us together in the first place. *sigh* She means the world to me and the world is a better place because I love her!


Blogger Sarah said...

heyyy.. so i decided to come check out your blog.. was fun reading!! thanks for the comment btw keep reading!!

4:57 AM  
Blogger Mj said...

Thanks! Just searching for one hour and I have an answer! Maybe we're all infinite and just have to search for ourselves...

10:58 AM  
Blogger windrago said...

Oh oh what a like pants!!! She is really a beauty!

5:12 PM  
Blogger msfitzita said...

She is a beauty. I'm so glad you have someone to love who loves you back the way you deserve to be loved.

Thanks for the comments on my blog and for your prayers. I appreciate them very, very much.

10:49 AM  

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