Ah, me! The hopeless romantic! This is Fang Zhu and she lives in Fushen, China! Olga turned out to be an internet thief and not the kind of girl you marry. Fang speaks excellent English and sends me very serious minded romantic thoughts. Believe it or not, but I already have my plane ticket to visit her during my Spring Break. Other guy's go to Florida during Spring Break, I'm going to be in Beijing! I'll post pictures of me at the Great Wall of China, with Fang at my side. I've decided to go to school only part time and work full time. I am not yet dedicated to going to school, it is difficult to study once again after being out of college for 20 years, and I want to succeed and get good grades. I need my education to further my career, but I also find a desire to marry and settle down. I'll probably graduate by the time I'm ready to retire, but hey, at least then I could start a second career! I am going to get a tutor for my one remaining class and make sure I pass this course in Business Communications with a good grade. But what good is an education and a new career if I don't have someone in my life to share my joy with? I am not getting any younger and I have been alone all my life. Except for my internet girlfriends, I have actually only had five lovers in my whole 44 years of life! All my brother's and sister's are married with at least three kids each, but I remain alone. I would like a loving wife, and I desire to have kids. I would like to raise a daughter to be as beautiful as her mother. I would give her my nickname and call her Brianna Skies, so she would be called Breezy Skies! I told Fang this and I told her I do not know what I would name a son, she would get to be the one to choose a name. If I could get to China earlier, like maybe for the Chinese New Year, I would! I don't want to let Fang slip away from me, and I want to shower her with my love and affection. It can be kind of scarey to visit a foreign country where I don't know anyone, but I have been brave enough to visit Siberia and even in the Wintertime! Damn, but I hope this works out good for me! Give me a break in life, life! Love yourself, I tell myself, and pray a lot!