A different sort of education.

I purchased the PimsleurApproach.com language lessons for Manderin Chinese beginner CD last night. They guarentee that I can learn enough basic Manderin in one month to be able to survive my trip to China, or my money back! It is up to me to dedicate a half hour each night to make this course work, but my friend Fang Zhu is worth every effort. She has told me that her name means; fragrence, so that is one word I already know. She lives in Fushun, near Beijing. By coincidence there is a Chinese seafood restaurant near my mother's called Fushun. I see it all the time, but I never thought to eat there until now. I am anxiously awaiting for March 29, when I will get on the plane to China! These language lessons and the trip itself is a different sort of education. I have heard it is said that a person who is well travelled is better educated then a person who is well read. College classes are going okay, just okay not great, but my friend Mario says not to worry about grades, just get that piece of paper that says I have a degree!
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