When someone tries to insult me with that worn out expression, I politely ask: "Where can I get one?" Someone please tell me what store or shopping mall I can go to to purchase such a thing? I've been laid off from two jobs now this year, both from lack of business. I can't even collect unemployment insurance due to the fact that I haven't worked enough hours this year! So I haven't posted recently because all my internet time and free hours in the day have been spent searching for work. Thanks to excellent recommendations from both my foster brother Tom(who I have been getting some work from in his construction business), and my best friendly friend Li, I now have a job. What a relief! I have been living on credit cards and need this job to repay what I now owe. I obtained the job through a temp agency and the job is temp to permanent hire. Parenting Press is a Children's books publishing warehouse distribution center located near Northgate Mall(maybe I can go shopping for a life on my lunch break), and I will be working in the Shipping and Receiving department starting monday, August 20th, part time to start. I'm trying to get a life going with my many excursions into the college world of higher education. I've tried a quarter of Electronics, a quarter of IT classes, and even tried a quarter of Graphics, my old major and current profession. None of these particularly appealed to me. I had a dual major at Western Washington University when I attended so many years ago and I took a lot of Psychology courses thinking it might help me get into advertising. I ended up taking more psych classes then printing classes because the tech classes were always full. Now I am going to try the University of Phoneix Online in this coming New Year, to see if I can finish my psych degree. They are the only online University with psych classes that are close to what I need to finish my major. I always got A grades in psych classes, and as Mario says; it's not about the major, just the piece of paper! I agree, as I probably wouldn't do anything with a psych degree anyway, except end up as an underpaid Human Resources manager or an over worked Social Worker, but to have that piece of paper is all important. It seems I've changed my mind so many times about jobs, cars, education, and girlfriends, that I ought to be able to look inward at my mind and see what is going on in the dark recesses of my brain. So you're probably wondering who the new girl is, and what happend to Jane. Jane turned out to be an internet theif and con artist. Purporting to be an orphan with an inheritence and studying overseas, she wanted her estate lawyer to be able to send me her money to safeguard it from Nigerian Banks. Yeah, right, like she just wanted to know my account info and screw me royally. I knew this for sure when she claimed her lawyer's estate bank would need my social security number to transfer funds. B*llsh*t! I wasn't born again yesterday(sorry about the poor attempt at Christian humor)! So I deleted her and blocked her from emailing me. But I forgot to delete the website profile I had met her through. One day I woke up to email from Ekaterina(now you know her name). She is a Registered Nurse from Omsk, Russia and told me about a new program in Russia called Work and Travel. She had applied for it, and wrote to me because she had heard about the many world class hospital's and medical center's here in the Seattle area, and she wanted to have a friend in this city to show her around and help her get aquainted with life in America. She already has her HB-1 work Visa for medical professionals and is coming to Seattle under her own power, so I agreed to play host and be her guide for the year her Visa is good. Yes, she is interested in romance too, but wants friendship and help adjusting first and foremost. She has a job lined up and plans to stay in a Nurses hostel until she can get a place of her own. It would be nice to meet her in person and get to know her better first, before getting involved in all that messy romance stuff that always screws my head up. Heads up! She's in Moscow already and going through her English language equivilency and Nursing exams for her visa and exit interview and she might be here at SeaTac late next week! Okay, so that was fast! And maybe I don't know what I am doing and ought to have my head examined, but I'm already doing that with Community Psychiatric Clinic--the program that is helping me get into the Univeristy of Phoneix. UoP insists upon their students to have work or be involved in some sort of professional organization that relates to their studies before they will accept a new applicant, and CPC qualifies with them. I'm getting my financial aid awards transfered, so paying for studies is still not a problem, just finding the time and being dedicated to studies online will be my greatest challenge. My alcohol rehabilitation classes will be finished by then, and with my new job being just part time I figure I can do it. I am taking a speed reading and study class to learn how to learn again and prepare myself for this, so who knows...maybe I am getting a life!