This is the second draft of an image I did some time ago and never finished. I brought it out this weekend and finally found inspiration for a better leg design. When it is finished it will be all solids in black. Hopefully I will make some time this week to complete it and post it next weekend, but I thought my friends might like to see the creative process my art goes through before completion. I am entitling it; Man or Myth, after the saying of Chief Seattle in his famous surrender speech...when the memory of my people is but a myth, the dead shall haunt your streets...dead, did I say dead? There is no death, only a change in worlds. The man has his arms upraised in the traditional form of greeting guests. Mom doesn't like the image because the man is naked, but I couldn't exactly put a loincloth on him and keep to the traditional design structure of oviods and feather designs. The torso is too big and the arms need to be lengthened, but I'll work that all out before I paint it. This is how I create my drawings before they become finished pieces.
oh oh I like this a lot!
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