In Memorium: Brother "Bob!"

Ernest Felix "Bob" Uliano.
1/30/1956 - 11/12/2007
I just got the word last night that my elder half brother died Monday in an auto accident in Bellingham. Shocked, I tried to attend my rehab class, but could only check in and quickly leave. I did not grieve when my father passed away, I didn't know him, only meeting him once when I was 30 and then not again. Grandma's passing relieved her pain from cancer, and Grandpa had lived beyond expectations after his triple by-pass. But Bob's passing comes as a shock. He was just beginning to turn his life around and things were getting better for him. He leaves us behind with the memory of his hard work and endless struggles to overcome all the difficulties and challenges that came his way in this life. I miss you Bob!
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