This is me.

This is my very first piece of Native art that I did in college in Art 101. We were to do a self portrait and I wanted something unusual to display my newfound love of NW Coast art. My sister, Janet, had just graduated from Shoreline Community College's hairstyling academy and since I had helped her pass the difficult chemistry part of the course, she insisted that I be her first victim, I mean client. She cut my hair in a style called a feather cut and I was inspired to put indian feathers in my art to show the name of this technique that she cut my hair with. She finished her degree and now it is time for me to do the same. I am signed up for this next school year to go to her old college, Shoreline, and I am damned and determined that I should finish my Graphic Design degree. I found out that the guys that create the stuff that I print out for my bosses make $25 an hour, while I only get $10 an hour to do the actual work in printing it! My boss had been spending sooooo much money on opening a new shop in Vancouver, British Colombia, that he decided to downsize and lay me off. With so much free time on my hands, I decided to go to school this next year full time and dedicate myself to earning that degree that I need to earn a decent living! Yes, a living...I no longer feel suicidal now that I am on new meds, and I want to live! I am trying out the new medicine; Geodon, for my schizophrenia, and it is working wonders! I no longer have to put up with the incessant voices and visions of the ghosts of my past that use to haunt me. I think I actually have my old high school and college brain back! This inspires me to believe that now I might actually be able to finish my college degree. Look for me in the Fall when school starts and I'll show off the stuff that I design as I learn new techniques, as I think my Indian art days are over for now. Right now I am studying how to use Photoshop 7.0 from a program that I bought called: the Video Professor. I want to get a head start on school so that I have a better idea about what I'm doing and getting into. I'll have to buy Photoshop CS 2 to use when school starts, but I got all my college funding back for this next school year and I still get my Social Security benefits to help pay for college.
You make your friends proud man, don't give up and stay cool. You'll get through it!
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