Sunday, March 26, 2006

Praise be to Allah, there is a Christ!

I am so prayerfully grateful that international political pressure has caused the release and freedom of Abdul Rahman, the Afgan who converted from Islam to Christ! A person should be allowed to choose their faith in any religion. We did not try to execute the famous pop singer "Cat Stevens" when he abandond Christ for Islam! We gave him the freedom of choice, so why do Muslims insist on killing those who want to leave their "religion?" It is just one more example of how barbaric Islam really is! It is not "The way of submission," rather it is "The way of the sword!" Praise be to Jesus Christ that you have the freedom to follow him to death, and to eternal life!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What if Cat Stevens were to convert BACK to Christianity? Would the Ayatollah issue another death edict (as he did for Rushdie)?

3:50 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

the Ayatollah who issued the "fatwah" against Salman Rushdie died before lifting the death order against Mr. Rushdie, thus enableing a permanent and lifetime death threat against the author. Islam is a barbaric religion and has no place in the modern world except that its countries have most of the worlds oil that is causing global warming by pollution. When they run out of oil in 20 years, then their citizens will starve. I ride a bicycle to work to avoid being exploited by OPEC. The time to pay the piper is coming soon!

3:40 AM  

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