Saturday, November 25, 2006

Mrs. Right?

Well the New Year fast approaches, and with it a new year of school to further my education. I've got all my ducks lined up for paying for college; Federal grants, State need grants, money from my Indian tribe, Supplemental Security income to pay for living expenses...but still I need a part time evening job to pay for books and equipment supplies needed for studying electronics. I have my eye on a seasonal Christmas job with Radio Shack that might turn into a part time job during the school year, but nothing is set in stone yet. It would be good to work in an electronics store whilest studying electronics, but things hardly ever work out as I have planned. Like the old adage says: Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans. If I don't get this Radio Shack job, I am going to go crawling back to those lousy Arabs with the print shop who never paid me on time and beg them for my job back. I hate to do it, but getting paid a week late at a time is better than not working and not getting paid at all! Don't worry about me though, I have no pride when it comes to money, we all need it, and desperate people do desperate things. I need the money to further my education so I can start a new career and get out of this lousy printing career that I got myself stuck in 27 years ago.

Whose the lovely lady, you ask? That's Olga from Kirov, Russia, and I'll tell you the story. Anna of a few blogs back, had written to me very emotional letters, always gushing with feeling, but never a thought about pragmatic reality. One day, after 4.5 months, the letters just stopped. No advance word of disappointment or disillusion, not even a letter goodbye. Nothing! It took me two weeks to realize she wasn't just gone on vacation, but gone for good. Thinking I ought to look closer to home for a girlfriend, I reactivated my AmericanSingles profile that Anna had found me on. I had 12 messages waiting for me that had been sent while I was writing to Anna. They were mostly outdated and all from Russian girls, so I mostly ignored them. I wrote to 20 or 30 local ladies here in the Pacific NW and not a single one even bothered to reply with a kind "get lost!" Olga wrote to me again and her bio purported her to be living in Issaquah, so I took a chance and wrote to her. Upon receiving her first letter I could tell from the syntax and grammer that she was Russian writing in English, but I thought she might actually live in Issaquah. It didn't take me long to realize that she was still in the Motherland, but I was pleased that she told me she had looked at my bio before signing up to write to me, and she wanted a chance to get to know me without my blowing her off because she wasn't local, but Russian. I could easily forgive her for misrepresenting herself, and decided that I would continue to write to her. Why not? I mean; Hell, American girls won't give me the time of day, and if I ask them what time is it, they give me the finger and tell me it's time to buy a watch, cheapskate! I've since then bought a watch, a pocket watch, so that I can always show my bare wrist and claim that I don't have the time when they decide to ask me the favor. Oh, and furthermore, I've stopped asking if that finger they gave me is an offer. Olga is a Lawyer and studying English at a University to become a translator, so she's smart and not just pretty. Lord knows my family could use a good lawyer in our household! My late father left me a small inheritence that is still on hold, though he died nearly 3 years ago. This week I signed and notorized the final paperwork to receive my inheritence; and when it arrives then Spring break just might find me in Kirov, Russia! Wish me all the luck in the world, I have a feeling I'm gonna need it.


Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks Ophelia, I promise to be cautious. If she stays with me for the year and a half it takes me to finish college, then she might be a true friend. But if she turns out to be one of those "Russian bride" scam artists, I won't be disappointed(or all that suprised either). College comes first!

11:33 AM  

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