My 15 minutes of Fame!

This image is created from the last Native vision I beheld in 1986. I had my first vision in 1980 before Mt. St. Helen's erupted. I had been haunted by a sphere of light bluish light that attacked me and gave me a vision of an ancient demon my ancestors called the "Sisiutl." Holding onto my faith in Jesus gave me the power to withstand the demonic possession of this Albino creature with two arms and hands that were like snakes. Thereafter I had one vision a year, always around the change of Spring to Summer. I didn't learn the meaning of my dreams and visions until I went to college and studied Native Mythology and the Psychology of Dr. Carl Jung. I had studied much in the way of his collected works as a dual major with my Graphic Arts degree. As I was sitting in my Psychology and literature class and debating with the professor(who strangely enough looked like Freud), I felt the odd sensation that preceeds a vision and my inner mind saw an image of a bright sphere of red light that came from both within and without. My mind erupted and my whole body began to glow red. The Professor thought I might be coming down with some sickness and he excused me from class. I walked two miles home in the rain and halfway home the rain stopped. I was still aglow and by the time I got home my clothes were completely dry. I was "burned out," from too much study and didn't return to college the next year. Trying to understand my vision, I had remebered reading Psychology and Alchemy by Dr. Jung, and his exposition on the Marrage of the Sun and Moon. Unable to find a job in printing, I wandered for a year and found myself homeless and involved in drugs; mostly marijuana and LSD. I noticed the blotter paper always had an image printed on it and I painted a mural in my mind of the images I ate. Haunted by the image of the sun in my vision I got an Idea in my head after star SN1987A in the Southern Cross went supernova, and I set out the very next day to find the chemycal sun. I found it almost immediately, like it was just waiting for me to come get it. After tasting 3% of it and sharing 1% each with three friends, I got a strange feeling of soap bubbles forming in my chest and I broke out with acne. People talked about me and mentioned my name as if I wasn't there. Fearing it might be somehow posionous, I couldn't rightly sell any or give anymore away, so I set it on fire and sent it back to the sky. I finally found a job in Alaska's fishing industry which was perfect for me to earn enough money to repay my college loans and get away from the life of drugs that was beginning to envelope me. Coming home after a six month contract in Alaska, I stayed with my Mother and jogged the 2.8 miles around Greenlake while practicing a form of Tai Bo and Tai Chi as streching exercizes. People still talked about me as if I wasn't there and it gave me an errie sensation that people knew all about my life that I was unaware of. One day, while watching MTV and performing my streching exercizes, I became aware I was warm again and an odd sensation came over me. I reached down to my abdomen and pulled my Chi out of my solar plexus. I glowed bright red and I could feel its warmth as I rolled it across my fingers and tossed it up and down like a yo-yo. Suddenly a shadow appeared in the TV, not on film and I heard a voice say; "there he is, he's ready. C'mon everybody let's all get ready!" Next thing I know the shadow raises it's arm and shouts at me: "C'mon America, blow us a kiss!" I launched my Chi right into the televison and the shadow disappeared to be replaced by my red chi flying all around while a bunch of legs from the knees down were shown on a busy sidwalk. The chi stopped and hovered in the middle of the TV and then suddenly dove straight into the TV. "Whoa! You caught me by suprise there!" announced Roger Rose, the MTV video jockey. He played another video and then came back on and said: "Come on Sonny, Mom just wants us to go home." Somehow he knew about me and I wondered if he was the Roger Rose from my 7th foster family the Rose's. That one instance of some sort of paranormal activity has led me from that day forward through a magical fantasy journey that continues to this day.
please contact me jack
re: Zhu Fang
i may be another in her long trail of red........... thanks jack
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