Saturday, April 01, 2006

Daylight saving!

It's almost time to set the ole clock's ahead one hour to get up in time to start saving. It always reminded me of Jim Croce's song; If I Could Save Time in a Bottle. But I figure I'm going to LOSE an hour of sleep tonight, so how is that suppose to save me time? This is an antiquated idea from a bygone agricultrual era, let's start a citizens movement to repeal Daylight Saving. And how on Earth am I suppose to change the hour on my sundial/birdbath? This daylight saving must be some sort of conspiracy theory and I have a few unmentionable theories to say about it, but not in polite company. I get paid by the hour; who's going to pay me for my lost hour of sleep? Certainly not a Government that is 9 trillion dollars in debt, that's for sure. But I digress here, the only good thing about the Saving is when I earn back my extra hour of sleep in the Autum, but that is usually wasted on an extra hour in the local pub! Now it's going to take me a whole week or two to get my body's internal clock reset to waking up an hour early. Goodnight and good luck, we'll need it!


Blogger Saddle Up said...

I agree regarding daylight savings.

It's a big waste of time and just makes your brain go crazy.

The only action any sane man could take would be to drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes.

4:55 AM  

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