What the Catholic Church doesn't want you to know.
I've always known that Easter is actually the Romanized Catholic Church's celebration of the pagan holiday of Ishtar, the goddess of fertility. But recently I've read a couple of books on the translation of the Dead Sea Scrolls that have further distanced me from secularized Christianity. Stanford University has photographs in their libraries of the Dead Sea Scrolls that the Catholic Church wants destroyed because they tell much more of the truth of the life of Jesus then the Church Father's would want you to know. In the Dead Sea Scrolls they tell a tale of deceit and trickery. Jesus did not die on the cross, but rather the soporific vinegar given to him on the cross by the physician/disciple Luke contained a poison that made him appear to be dead. Jesus was "buried" with Aloe and myrrh as an antidote to the poison and when he awoke in the tomb, he was to take the emetic aloe and myrrh to make him well. The Scrolls go on to say that Jesus lived after the crucifixtion and married Mary Magdalene who was the woman at the well whom Jesus told to "go and sin no more," for she was a known prostitute. Mary is reported to have given Jesus a daughter and for that reason Jesus divorced her, citing her prodigious past as the reason. Continuing on in the Scrolls, Jesus later remarried and had a son whom he named Jesus Justin. The Scrolls tell us that Jesus actually lived until he was 70 years of age or so before he finally died...permanently! He's not coming back folks, the energizer bunny lives on, but Jesus is dead! Celebrate Ishtar this Easter and go ahead and deceive yourselves into believing the lie that is Jesus as is known today, but for the Truth to be known you might as well read: "Custer Died for Your Sins," by Vine Deloria, Jr. Maybe then you will be saved!
I was raised lutheran/catholic, but i to have since moved on to more ecclectic pursuits. Do you have any links to the books or translations on those particular scrolls? I would really like to read them.
I'm also 1/2 native. Aztec/Navaho/cherokee. Preach on brother, and thanks for reading Memepunks.
I was raised catholic but I recently found myself more interested (naturally) at lutheran church. I honestly find hard to believe what you have described in your post.
Here there is one of my because:
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I've just read your post about Easter and the story of Jesus. You have been leaving me comments --- thanks. I want to thank you for reading my posts. I want to keep my eyes open for what you're pointing out, it's very important. I'm getting a little nervous reading your comments to my posts. http://elazawratjournal.blogspot.com/ My story is the only story I have to tell in this lifetime. I know that I'm ignorant about 99.9% of the world. And vice versa. A BTW, I wonder what is your comment about Jesus sleeping with Jewish women about? Anything wrong with it? My female and my Jewish particles are trying to decide - shall we start getting nervous right now…
The Earth is big, filled with all kinds of stories.
Best of luck.
PS. As far as I've heard, Mary Magdalene was a high priestess...
To all who have read this post of mine. It was intended to introduce a little controversy into my otherwise dull and boring blog. It is "verbal art," and like all art it is intended to evoke an emotional response. I was raised in a Lutheran foster family myself Ophelia, but my birth father was Catholic and never came to visit me except once when I was 30. I have nothing against anyone of faith, nor any faith except the Catholic Church which is the richest governing body in the world and yet lacks the moral fortitude to "practice what they preach!" These scrolls were left in the desert by the ancient Essene's and maybe they tell the truth or at least what was thought of as a truth. But the fact that these scrolls do exist and are banned by the Church makes them all the more important in understanding religiosity versus true faith. Ela, I have nothing against Jews, in fact I attend Rabbi Kornfeld's free lectures on faith and history at the Univeristy of Washigton's Chabad Lubavich as often as I attend my own Church services. I can honestly say that I have read even the Koran and the book of Angel of the Islamic faith, but I have never been to a Mosque because they won't allow an infidel such as I into their place of worship. Jew's will let me into synagogue, Buddist's will allow me to visit and meditate with them in their temples, but Muslim's deny me to see with mine own eye's what takes place inside their Mosque's!
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