Summer Job

I told you Mario, the only thing I know about pizza besides how to eat it is how to deliver it to your door. So that is exactly what I am going to do for my summer job; deliver pizza's for Papa John's pizza! Good thing I've got this nice little Ford Festiva that gets 40 miles per gallon, what with gas hovering around $3.00 a gallon. I applied at Papa John's just yesterday and was hired immediately. They must be desperate, to hire a guy like me(just kidding)! Tips will keep my gas tank full. Now if I can earn enough to get the head gasket fixed so the damn thing will stop leaking oil it will be a good car for going to college. So with this job I will get to zip around in the nice cool evening weather and have all day to play in the summer sun. When school starts in the Fall I will be working in the student copy center as work study for part of my financial aid. But after that I will NEVER work in printing again! Enjoy your summer everyone.
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