Monday, June 26, 2006

Lobster thermidor anyone?

The lobster thermidor is me! I got stuck in yesterday's sunny Sunday 88 degree Seattle weather for an hour and now I really am a red Indian! I practically glow in the dark I am sooooo red. I may be half Native American, but my skin thinks it's a redheaded Irish white boy. If my digicam wasn't broken I would include a picture, but I wouldn't want to gross anyone out. When someone asks me if it hurts, I tell them: believe me, it's alot more painful then it looks! I have to apply aloe vera juice every hour and in the half hour in-between I apply raw potato mush. The sun was soooo hot yesterday that even my lips got burnt! Today, Monday, is suppose to get even hotter! So I am going to go window shopping at the Mall and stay indoors in a nice air conditioned atmosphere. Whoever said that people in Seattle don't tan, they rust, was way wrong!


Blogger Kass said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog! Hang in there because it CAN get tough, but like you said, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and there are periods of ease. Hold onto Christ and He will help you through.

I wish you all the best as well. :)

8:34 PM  

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